Pilates Reformer
TRX Suspension Training
CIRCUIT Training

Bootkamp Pilates Promo Video
Certified Personal Trainer / Author
One of my great joys in life is having created a space where people (even gym haters) can fall in love with fitness.
Originally from the United States, Toney Walls is a Fitness Professional who has twenty years’ experience in the fitness industry. He has been certified by several organisations including Power Pilates, the American Heart Association, and the American Council on Exercise (ACE). Toney received a Bachelor's degree in biology from Lincoln University and a Master's degree from the University of Oxford (United Kingdom).
A track & field hurdler in high school, Toney opted for modern dance at university and later was selected by school director, Denise Jefferson, to study and train at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Center in New York City where he danced professionally with various recording artists including Michael Jackson.
Toney taught fitness classes at NYC's top health clubs: Reebok, Chelsea Piers, and Equinox Fitness. Later in Italy, London, Oxford, and Brussels. His clients range from Olympic athletes such as Russian diver Inga Borodina and Canadian rowing gold medalist Jake Wetzel (who attended class in Oxford), celebrities such as Luther Vandross and Michelle Williams, to soccer moms and dads, and believers & achievers in all shapes, sizes, and levels of fitness.
Regarding Pilates. Toney believes in it whole-heartedly and is excited about its evolution. Unlike purists, constrained by a snapshot of Pilates in 1967, Toney believes that the Method, which evolved during Joe's lifetime, should continue to evolve along with the ever-changing needs of the populace.
It is my goal not only to enhance physical aesthetics, but also to improve overall health, quality of life and form a more perfect union between mind and body.

"I tried Pilates for my first time and the results are pretty obvious! It increased my strength, my flexibility, my bodyblance and overall I feel better than ever and all of this while having fun! I highly recommend it if you are active in sports as I am! (surfing, football..) it is helping me a lot :) Thanks Toney, you are a great teacher!"

"I have been a runner for years, but in the past year I had gained a few pounds and it just stayed. I added your Pilates class into my routine and since January first I have lost 17 pounds. I still run 3 or 4 times a week, but since starting your class I have seen changes in my running posture and core strength. I am over all a happier runner and absolutely thrilled at the weight loss! So thanks again for running such a fabulous class!

Beautiful studio and great classes. Every person can follow their own level and the instructors seek the best out of us and this makes it a high quality studio. I feel stronger since I joined and I highly recommend the studio. I keep loving it more and more.

What is it?
Our Reformer Challenge is an active, fitness-driven non-classical Pilates workout. Unlike classical Pilates, our Reformer Challenge embraces the evolving needs of a healthier, more fit and longer-living population.
What are the benefits?
After a few weeks, you'll see new levels of core strength, mobility and aerobic fitness. Your posture will improve, you’ll stand taller and straighter, and your physique will become leaner and more toned.
This workout is suitable for most fitness levels. However, although rehabilitative, this workout is not suitable for those recovering from serious injuries.

Why come?
You’ll be challenged by the deliberate instability of this intense bodyweight-based workout. You’ll work hard to maintain your position throughout each exercise, engaging more muscles to do so and burning more calories as a result. You’ll also work on getting the right posture and alignment, with lots of individual attention from your Trainer.
Is it right for me?
You don’t need any TRX experience, but you do need to be pretty fit, strong and capable. This is a tough, energetic and results-driven class, that will make your muscles burn, your heart pound, and raise your body temperature.

What is it?
Circuit Training is a high-intensity endurance workout whereby participants perform one exercise after another in a sequence with little or no rest between them. For example you might perform a set of squats followed by a set of upright rows followed by curls etc.
What is the goal?
Real circuit training is tough work and not for the feint hearted. It is for this reason that circuit training is almost exclusively while looking to get lean rather than huge.
Getting Here:
Near Place Jourdan, walking distance from the European Commission
Open at class times ONLY.
On ouvrira 10 minutes avant le cours et demeurera ouvert 10 minutes après le dernier cours.
Our Address:
Rue Baron Lambert 29
Brussels 1040
No entry on Rue Louis Hap.
Aucun entrée sur rue Louis Hap.
The best way to contact us is by email or SMS.
La meilleur façon de nous contacter est par courriel ou SMS.
+32 (0)478 82 60 22
Please speak slowly and clearly when leaving a message.
Parlez lentement et clairement afin que vos messages soient intelligibles.